Cody Slonim
Iron Turtle disc golf owner | tribal dyes
789 Rating
1. Explain briefly what got you into discgolf?
I was introduced to the sport in 2000 by a guy that worked for my father out in Colorado. For about 8 years I really didn't play too much and didn't take very seriously. Then in 2008 I decided to pick it back up again and get my 1st set of discs. I found the players in Spokane and the surrounding areas were very friendly and inviting which kept me in the sport for all these years.
2. What's the disc you would never take out of your bag?
I have had many discs come and go one that has never left my bag would be my bar stamp Z crush.
3. Roughly how many courses and in how many states have you played in?
I have played in 6 States and roughly 30 courses.
4. What was your most difficult tournament? What was your favorite tournament?
I would have to say be most difficult tournament I have ever played in would have to be Flippin Ze disc 2010. What made it so difficult was the fact that it was 3 rounds over 2 days set in multiple national parks in western Washington. Not only that but on day 2 my division had to tee off and play 6 or so holes incomplete fog we could not even see where we were throwing.
5. Are you a one brander or a mixer upper type?
I used to throw a mixed bag. But my Innova habbit got too spendy. I already enjoyed throwing Discraft so I switched over to one brand.
6. What are your go-to putter, mid, and driver?
I switched recently to the Fierce best putter I have ever used on the green, mid I'm a buzzz head, drivers I mainly use fairways' my go to is swirly glo esp Mantis, and
the Raptor. I bag 3 of each.
7.What is your home course?
I go where the chains ring from the sound of plastic.