Brooke Hughes-Brauner
Team Iron Turtle | Team RPM
7 Career Wins
963 Rating
1.Explain briefly what got you into disc golf?
My story is probably similar to other people’s in that I started during the pandemic in 2020. During that time, I was finishing my last semester at Gonzaga University when the nationwide quarantine hit. I started going on hikes with my girlfriend to get out of the house and we ended up hiking through parks that had disc golf baskets. I had heard about disc golf from co-workers and thought about giving it a shot— this was just the impulse I needed to make the leap. After doing some rudimentary research, I got an Innova start pack and a DX Teebird and headed to Downriver Disc Golf Course. We got hooked, and soon I was looking up videos on youtube and trying to improve my game and understanding of the sport. I distinctly remember the first video I watched. It was Hole 1 at Lake Eureka. Paul McBeth crushed his drive over the lake, and Big Jerm said the disc he had thrown was an Anax. It wasn’t much longer before I had an Anax of my own, only to find out that I couldn’t throw it very far at all! At that time at least.
2.What's the disc you would never take out of your bag?
My most thrown disc is a 5x Claw Orange Zone that I’ve tried to take out of my bag several times for newer zones, and each time I put it back in because I love how it flies. It’s actually one of the first 10 discs I ever bought.
3.Roughly how many courses and in how many states have you played in?
I've played in 4 states, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada. And I’ve played probably 30 courses in those 4 states.
4. What was your most difficult tournament? What was your favorite tournament?
My most difficult tournament was when I played Caliber as part of the Apex Spring Fling Point Series. It is considered the hardest course in the Inland Northwest, and due to its distance away from where I live, I was playing it blind. On top of that, it was also the day after my second vaccine, so I was definitely pretty out of it that day.
My favorite tournament was the 2022 Las Vegas Challenge. Ratings wise it’s the best tournament I’ve ever played, but the best part about it was all of the awesome people I got to meet and play with throughout the tournament. The disc golf community has been extremely friendly, and supportive of me, and that tournament was no different.
5. Are you a one brander or a mixer upper type?
I use whatever disc I find to be the best of the shot type I’m looking for. I also believe in the Joel Freeman method of bag building. That is to have an Understable, Stable, and Overstable disc for each of the categories of Putter, Mid, Fairway, Control, and Distance Driver. I throw whatever disc I find that fits that slot the best. With that being said, Discraft and MVP show up more than any other brand in that mix.
6. What are your go-to putter, mid, and driver?
My favorite putter is the Zone, mid the Reactor, and Driver is the Undertaker.
7. What is your home course?
Spokane has a few good disc courses to choose from (and I’d love to see a couple more pop up someday soon), but the one I play far more than any other is High Bridge Disc Golf Course. I’m not sure if it’s because of the shot shapes, the overall layout, or some other reason but that’s my go to. One of my favorite things to do is to take three discs and play the course in about an hour listening to an audiobook the entire time.